Start with You Lauren Bates Start with You Lauren Bates

Making Space: Tips to Cleaning Out Your Closet & Defining Your Personal Style

Does the concept of defining your personal style give you anxiety? Did you embrace the comfort of leggings and haven’t looked back since? Or is getting dressed an extreme sport? Perhaps everything is a theme party? Whether you are a fashion-loving baddie or a creature of comfort, you can curate your personal style in a way that works for you and it starts with your closet and making space.

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Together, we can.

While Sustainably LB is a sustainability blog largely focused on the fashion industry, Lauren stands for far more than seeking climate justice through a sustainable fashion lens. As a journalist, Lauren explores sustainability as a whole by leveraging compassionate service journalism as a vehicle to empower and educate. We are all interconnected and it is time we started showing up for each other.