Making Space: Tips to Cleaning Out Your Closet & Defining Your Personal Style

What Comes to Mind When You Think of Your Personal Style?

Does the concept of defining your personal style give you anxiety? Did you embrace the comfort of leggings and haven’t looked back since? Or is getting dressed an extreme sport? Perhaps everything is a theme party? Whether you are a fashion-loving baddie or a creature of comfort, you can curate your personal style in a way that works for you and it starts with your closet and making space.

Here are my go-to moves when it comes to using my clothing to help express who I am or what I am feeling. Remember, clothing is supposed to be fun! Dressing up our human suit is a form of play. Naturally, this isn’t for everyone. But if you’re here reading this, odds are it’s for you.

5 Tips for Defining Your Personal Style

 Tip One: Define Your Vibe

Choose 3 words that you want to embody through your clothing. By selecting clothing around your three words, you’re more likely to enjoy your wardrobe and how you express yourself through it.

The first time I was introduced to embodying your vibe through choosing words to identify with was from one of my podcast guests, personal stylist and overall sustainable baddie, Maddie Graham. Ever since I have really taken this advice to heart! By selecting clothing and outfits around my three words, I’m better able to curate my wardrobe by honing and owning that vibe. Plus, I’ve found that I’m more likely to play with my wardrobe and take style risks.

For example, here are my go-to words, sometimes they change but I always come back to Classic, Whimsical and Bowie. I identify with David Bowie on many levels, so this addition to my list spans many vibes and that is very much intentional. But I typically embody it as a dose of androgyny.

Remember, vibes are real. Energy is vibration and everything is energy. When we look at this scientifically it is called “sympathetic resonance,” or in more common conversation it is known as the “law of attraction.” Essentially, a vibration attracts a vibration of that likeness. More specifically “it is a harmonic phenomenon wherein a formerly passive vibratory body responds to external vibrations to which it has a harmonic likeness.”

Read the full article and to get all the tips on Elephant Journal.


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