The FABRIC Act – Correcting Exploitation in the Fashion Industry Stateside

Steps in the Right Direction

With so much pain and suffering in the world, it is easy to get sucked into the void. Into the feelings of despair and hopelessness. And while I am not here to tell you to look away, to discredit this pain or push it down…I want all of us to remember there is always hope. There are always people who care, who are working towards a future where we are all supported, held and looked after. It is like what Mr. Rogers would say, “Look for the helpers.”

In this case, the helpers come in the form of a federal bill focused on accountability in the fashion industry and the thousands of people who have contributed to drafting and supporting these measures.

  • The FABRIC Act seeks to extend the anti-wage theft guidelines of The Garment Worker Protection Act (SB62) nationwide by holding brands accountable for wages across their supply chain coupled with encouraging brands to manufacture or reshore their manufacturing to the US with tax incentives and grant programs.

Accountability and transparency don’t seem to hold sway with words alone. It often appears that words have become empty vessels devoid of any real meaning. That’s why these acts are so important as they create accountability legislation that holds the fashion industry to their word and aims to transform the industry entirely. And it’s about time.

Read the full article on Elephant Journal.


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