Quarantine Thoughts: Sitting With Ghosts

It's OK to not be OK.

Can I ask you a question? When was the last time you hugged your friends, your family, your person?

I’m sorry if you find my query painful. I’m just trying to commiserate. I could use a hug.

I love the connection I feel when I hug one of my people. The way I can fold myself into the circular comfort of their embrace. How I can rest my heart close to another’s while our energy fields entangle. How a hug can warm me from within…

If I have learned anything from these past months, it is that even the most independent hermits (yours truly) need human touch. We are social creatures, and touch is an essential service when it comes to staying healthy. It is a cornerstone of how we communicate, how we create bonds and connections. To go without can be triggering for me — as human touch helps me keep my own personal demons at bay.

Read the full article on SF Weekly.


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